
News Updates

Articles 101 to 110 of 209
Market Movements and Economic Review Video May 2021

Market Movements and Economic Review Video May 2021

Stay up to date with what's happened in Australian and global markets over the past month.

Our May update video takes you through key economic indicators so you can understand how the Australian economy is faring as we recover from the COVID-19 induced recession of 2020.

Category: News
Market Movements and Economic Review Video April 2021

Market Movements and Economic Review Video April 2021

Stay up to date with what's happened in Australian and global markets over the past month.

Our April update video also takes you through key economic indicators so you can understand how the Australian economy is faring as we recover from the COVID-19 induced recession of 2020.
Category: News
End of FBT Year Fast  Approaching

End of FBT Year Fast Approaching

With the end of March fast approaching, so too is the end of the FBT year which runs from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021. While FBT returns do not need to be lodged until 21 May 2021, for many businesses, now is the time to start getting organised in relation to employee contributions for benefits, as well as record-keeping and employee declarations required.
Category: News
Travelling for work what’s deductible?

Travelling for work what’s deductible?

As we move to a post-COVID world where borders, both domestic and international, start to open back up, the issue of deductibility of certain business travel expenses are again back on the agenda. The ATO has gotten on the front foot by recently issuing a draft ruling and associated draft compliance guidelines which explains the circumstances under which these expenses would be deductible.
Category: News
Contractor or Employee Which are you?

Contractor or Employee Which are you?

With COVID-19 having a significant impact on traditional employment, many people are finding themselves working as a contractor for the first time either by choice or necessity. It’s not just a lifestyle decision; from the tax and superannuation perspective, there are important differences between being an employee and a contractor.
Category: News
Market Movements and Review Video March 2021

Market Movements and Review Video March 2021

Stay up to date with what's happened in Australian and global markets over the past month.  

Our March update video also takes you through key economic indicators so you can understand how the Australian economy is faring as we recover from the COVID-19 induced recession of 2020.19 induced recession of 2020. Please get in touch if you’d like assistance with your personal financial situation.
Category: News
Beware of ATO data-matching motor vehicles

Beware of ATO data-matching motor vehicles

While the motor vehicle registries data-matching program has been running for around 16 years in various iterations, particular care should be taken for the current motor registries program as many businesses including sole traders would have taken advantage of the increase in the instant asset write-off threshold to purchase motor vehicles.
Category: News
Market Movements and Review Video February 2021

Market Movements and Review Video February 2021

Stay up to date with what's happened in Australian and global markets over the past month.  

Our February update video also takes you through key economic indicators so you can understand how the Australian economy is faring as we recover from the COVID-19 induced recession of 2020. Please get in touch if you’d like assistance with your personal financial situation.

Category: News
Small Businesses don’t forget your FBT concessions

Small Businesses don’t forget your FBT concessions

During these challenging economic times, many small businesses are still in the recovery phase where every dollar counts, the last thing these businesses need is to be paying more tax than they should. So, if you’re a small business don’t forget that you can access a variety of concessions including those related to FBT. These concessions could result in no FBT being payable.
Category: News
Take advantage of your carry forward cap

Take advantage of your carry forward cap

2021 may have had a subdued start, but a new year brings in new resolutions, perhaps one of your resolutions this year is to boost your super balance so you can enjoy an early retirement. Even if retirement is not on the horizon for you, it is good practice to take any opportunity to grow your retirement savings. With the unused concessional contributions cap carry forward, you are now able to contribute more to your super than ever before.
Category: News
Articles 101 to 110 of 209