
News Updates

Articles 161 to 170 of 203
Downsizer super contributions getting it right

Downsizer super contributions getting it right

Under the “downsizer” contribution scheme, individuals aged 65 years and over who sell their home may contribute sale proceeds of up to $300,000 per member as a “downsizer” superannuation contribution (which means up to $600,000 for a couple).
Category: News
Debt forgiveness due to love and affection

Debt forgiveness due to love and affection

Private companies that pay amounts of money, make loans, or forgives debts of shareholders or associates of shareholders, may be subject to Div 7A rules which are designed to ensure that income is not inappropriately sheltered at the corporate tax rate. 
Category: News
Selling shares how does tax apply?

Selling shares how does tax apply?

Did you know that when you sell your shares, the size of your capital gains tax (CGT) bill is affected by how long you’ve held the shares, and how you offset your capital gains and losses? Knowing the tax rules can help you plan your trades effectively.
Category: News
 Rental property deductions what can I claim? Part 2

Rental property deductions what can I claim? Part 2

Investment property owners should heed the ATO’s warning that it will target mistakes with rental property deductions this tax time – especially with over-claimed interest. In our last instalment on rental deductions, we looked at the rules for purchase costs, repairs and improvements. Now, we consider expenses associated with a loan to buy the property.
Category: News
Rental property deductions what can I claim?

Rental property deductions what can I claim?

Did you know that a random audit by the ATO last year revealed nine out of ten rental property owners made a mistake with their rental deductions? In this first of a two-part series, we share some tips on what you can and can’t claim. This article assumes you own a 100% rental property with no private use.
Category: News
Claiming work trips for business owners

Claiming work trips for business owners

Do you sometimes take work trips for your business – perhaps to overseas conferences or interstate clients? When a trip is clearly for business purposes only, the rules for deducting your expenses are fairly straightforward
Category: News
Non commercial losses, does it apply to you?

Non commercial losses, does it apply to you?

Do you run a side business in addition to your main employment? This could be in primary production (ie a farm or winery), retail or any other profession, trade, vocation or calling, provided it is not in a role of an employee.
Category: News
Articles 161 to 170 of 203