
News Updates

Articles 41 to 50 of 205
Thinking of ditching your SMSF?

Thinking of ditching your SMSF?

If the recent market conditions or just the amount of administration involved is making you rethink having an SMSF as your retirement vehicle, there are several things you will need to be aware of. Winding up an SMSF is not a simple process and requires the trustee to understand the terms set out in the trust deed, dispose of the fund’s assets, and finalise compliance obligations, among other things. In some complex cases it may be prudent to seek professional advice.
Category: News
Beware of Payment Redirection Scams ASIC

Beware of Payment Redirection Scams ASIC

The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) has warned small businesses to be alert for payment redirection scams. These scams typically involve scammers impersonating legitimate businesses or their employees and operate via email by requesting an upcoming payment be redirected to another bank account which is fraudulent.
Category: News
Record Keeping

Record Keeping

You are legally required to keep records of all transactions relating to your tax and superannuation affairs as you start, run, sell, change or close your business, specifically:

  • any documents related to your business's income and expenses;
  • any documents containing details of any election, choice, estimate, determination or calculation you make for your business's tax and super affairs.
Category: News
Professional Firm Profit Allocations ATO View

Professional Firm Profit Allocations ATO View

If you run a professional services firm there are many tax issues to consider in the allocation of profits. The ATO is particularly concerned about individual professionals with an ownership interest who redirect their income to an associated entity, such as a trust, with the effect of significantly reducing their tax liability – raising the prospect that anti-avoidance provisions could apply.
Category: News
ATO Scrutinising Gifts or Loans From Overseas

ATO Scrutinising Gifts or Loans From Overseas

The ATO has recently issued an alert warning taxpayers against disguising undeclared foreign income as gifts or loans from related overseas entities, including family and friends. It says it has continued to encounter instances where Australian resident taxpayers derive income or capital gains offshore which are assessable but fail to declare it in their income tax returns.
Category: News
Div 7A and Financial Accommodation

Div 7A and Financial Accommodation

The ATO has recently released a significant draft ruling around Div 7A, which operates to ensure that private companies cannot make tax-free distributions of profits to shareholders or their associates in the form of payments, loans, or forgiven debts. Generally, a private company is taken to have paid an unfranked dividend in the income year if a loan made to a shareholder/associate is not fully repaid before lodgment day.
Category: News
Articles 41 to 50 of 205