
News Updates

Articles 31 to 40 of 205
Sharing Economy Reporting Regime Commences Soon

Sharing Economy Reporting Regime Commences Soon

As a part of the government’s strategy to combat the tax compliance risks posed by the sharing economy, it has now legislated requirements for operators of electronic distribution platforms to provide information on transactions made through their platforms to the ATO. 
Category: News
Guide To Business Grants

Guide To Business Grants

It’s been a tough few years for many businesses, with the pandemic and natural disasters, especially small business owners.

Finding funds and expertise for business development can be challenging for smaller organisations. Even larger and successful firms can find it difficult to put together the cash and know-how to keep a business expanding.

That’s where a grant of funds or professional support can come to the rescue.

Category: News
Varying PAYG Instalments

Varying PAYG Instalments

Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments are prepayments of your expected income tax for the year. If your total PAYG instalments will be more, or less, than your expected tax for the year, for example because your financial situation changes, you can vary the amount of the instalments.
Category: News
Deceased Estates and CGT Disposal of Dwelling

Deceased Estates and CGT Disposal of Dwelling

The ATO has recently updated its practical compliance guideline on how the CGT main residence exemption may apply in cases where a dwelling is disposed either in the capacity of an individual beneficiary or a trustee of a deceased estate.


Category: News
FBT Record-Keeping Simplification of Requirements

FBT Record-Keeping Simplification of Requirements

The government has released a raft of draft legislation with the intention of reducing FBT record-keeping compliance costs for employers. The measure was originally announced by the previous government in the 2020 Budget but never implemented. In brief, it proposed to give the ATO the power to allow employers to rely on existing corporate records, rather than employee declarations and other prescribed records to finalise their FBT returns.
Category: News
Market Valuation For Tax Purposes

Market Valuation For Tax Purposes

The ATO has released an updated version of its online Guide - Market valuation for tax purposes. The purpose of the Guide is to assist taxpayers in understanding the ATO’s general expectations on market valuation for tax purposes. It includes information on what market value means for tax purposes and the evidence and processes the ATO generally expect to see to support a valuation.
Category: News
Articles 31 to 40 of 205