
News Updates

Articles 21 to 30 of 205
Employee Share Schemes

Employee Share Schemes

If you're invited to join an employee share scheme, you may be able to buy shares at a discount on the current market rate. Schemes vary, so check the offer terms and consider the pros and cons before you sign up.
Category: News
Market Movements and Economic Review Video August 2023

Market Movements and Economic Review Video August 2023

Stay up to date with what's happened in Australian markets over the past month.

While the price of most goods and services continues to rise, the good news is the rate of increase is continuing to slow.

As a result, the markets are beginning to breathe a sigh of relief.
Category: News
Are Recessions Always Bad for Business

Are Recessions Always Bad for Business

Depending who you ask, we could be headed for a recession, writes Nigel Bowen. But what does that mean and will it be bad for your business?

If you’ve done the grocery shopping lately, you’ll know inflation is becoming a serious issue.

When the inflation genie gets out of the bottle, economies can enter a destructive spiral. Prices rise, workers demand wage rises to compensate for higher prices, businesses grant wage rises then increase prices to cover increased labour costs, and the cycle continues. Until the relevant central bank starts jacking up interest rates.

Category: News
Tax Rates and Offsets for 2023-24 and Beyond

Tax Rates and Offsets for 2023-24 and Beyond

Despite the calls to scrap the already legislated stage 3 tax cuts, the government did not announce any changes in the recent Budget, which means the tax cuts are still set to commence from 1 July 2024 (ie the 2024-25 income year). Additionally, no changes were announced in the Budget to the current personal tax rates, meaning that the rates and income thresholds that have applied since the 2021-22 income year will continue to apply all the way through to the 2023-24 year.
Category: News
How Do Interest Rates Affect Your Investments?

How Do Interest Rates Affect Your Investments?

Interest rates are an important financial lever for world economies. They affect the cost of borrowing and the return on savings, and it makes them an integral part of the return on many investments. It can also affect the value of the currency, which has a further trickle-down effect on other investments.
Category: News
Non Deductible Threshold Removed for Self Education

Non Deductible Threshold Removed for Self Education

The government has reintroduced and passed a raft of measures that faced an uncertain fate when the House of Representatives was dissolved and the Senate prorogued due to the calling of the Federal Election earlier this year. One of these measures that have recently passed all stages is the removal of the $250 non-deductible threshold for work-related self education expenses, which will apply to assessments for the 2022-23 income year and onwards.
Category: News
Articles 21 to 30 of 205